The Absolute Best Thing You Can Say To A New Team Member

Hey this is Steve Fisher and today I want to talk to you about the absolute best thing you can say to and do for a new team member in your business.

So let’s jump right in… The absolute best thing you can say to a new associate is “I believe in you. Together, we can’t lose. We are going to knock this out of the park!” Belief is a VERY powerful word. One of Webster’s definitions says, “A feeling of trust in the worth or ability of someone.” Did you catch that? Belief in someone relates to their worth… Another VERY powerful word. So understand, our words have power, they have meaning, and they can have a major impact.

Look at it like this… With kids, they typically rise to the level of your expectations. For example, if I tell my kids it’s ok to get B’s and C’s in school, what do you think they will do? They’ll get D’s! But if I say to my kids, “I believe in you, you are very smart and you’re a hard worker and with those two characteristics, I know you can get straight A’s.” what do you think they will do? I promise you they will rise to those expectations because of the belief that you have in them and your positive words.

It works the same with your team. What are you telling them? How you talk to them and your belief in them, in many cases, sets the bar for how they perform. Let them know that you are committed long-term and over time you are going to help them build a significant residual income. This gets them in the right mindset and understanding that this is simply a lifestyle change that we are going to build over time.

So what’s the best thing you can do for them? Get them started! Literally take them by the hand and say, “Let’s go do this. Who can we go talk to?” Get them to introduce you to their top 5 contacts. The quicker you can get them building, the better! They don’t have to know everything to get started, with your help, they can get started immediately. This helps to avoid the infamous paralysis by analysis syndrome where the new associate never gets started because they’re always trying to learn everything and get all their ducks in a row. Get them a check as quickly as possible and multiple checks is even better! Checks always overcome a lack of knowledge. It’s powerful to answer a question with, “I don’t know, but they keep sending me all these checks!”

If you can help them to start growing their team and they experience leverage, which is getting paid no longer on your own efforts alone, but on the efforts of others, then they begin to see the power of the business. They need to see that the business works. Once they know that it works, then they are much more willing to make the necessary sacrifices that it takes to make it work in a big way!

I hope that helps you today and if so, leave me a comment in the comment section below. Also, please do me a favor and share with your team and on social media. Encourage them to subscribe as a Residual Millionaire Insider so they get updated when I post new videos or special events. As always, I enjoy serving you here on the Residual Millionaire Blog!

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