Overcoming Self-doubt, Fear, and Indecision – Part 1

Hey, this is Steve Fisher and thanks for joining me here. Let me ask you a question… Do you struggle with self-doubt, fear, or indecision? I’ve had a pretty good amount of success in my life and I can tell you, for me personally, these are things that I struggle with on a regular basis and  the craziest thing is I’ve struggled with these even while I was in the midst of massive success!

In this video series, I want to talk to you about how even though you may struggle with self-doubt, fear, and indecision, you can WIN ANYWAY. I’m going to give you 7 keys to overcoming these obstacles and CRUSHING IT in your business. So stay tuned…


One of the big misconceptions is to think that successful, confident people don’t ever have to deal with doubts, fears or indecision. The appearance can be that everything comes easy for them, that they just always make the right choices and decisions, and that they are immune to the same struggles as everyone else.

Well I can tell you, that is simply not the case. At every level of success, there’s a leader who has dealt with self-doubt, fear, and indecision. It seems to me that NOTHING comes easy for me. Everything that I have done that has been successful has come with HUGE challenges and there are always multiple obstacles to overcome.

Now, I also want to say, if you are not dealing with the issues of self-doubt, fear, or indecision, then you are probably too far inside of your comfort zone. This is, obviously, an easy place to stay, but it’s not a good place to be if you’re wanting to grow and take yourself to a higher level of success. You’ll want to use these as a measure of whether you’re pushing yourself to your highest levels of performance. It’s when you start getting out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to higher levels of success that you encounter self-doubt, fear, and indecision. So realize, these things are GOOD things to be dealing with and you should probably be questioning yourself if you are not dealing with them.

In this video, I am only going to be covering one of the keys to overcoming self-doubt, fear, and indecision, but it is the most important thing you can do. What is the one thing that you HAVE to do?

• You have to take action. This can be the most difficult thing to do when you’re dealing with doubt, fear, and indecision, but ACTION is what takes you OUT OF doubt, fear, and indecision. If you keep entertaining doubt, fear, and indecision, then it ultimately takes you OUT OF action and that can be fatal to your business and to your dreams. So you hit these things head on with action. By taking action, it puts in motion the wonderful thing that we call PROGRESS. There are several great things that happen when you take action:

  1. Even if you fail, you can learn from it, make the proper adjustments, and take either the same action again or a different action with the knowledge you gained from your previous action.
  2. Here’s another thing to remember about action… It’s typically, not one major action that leads to success. It’s usually a myriad of small daily actions, the right actions over an extended period of time that ultimately leads to success.
  3. If you don’t know what action to take, you can watch the most successful people in your niche and copy what they’re doing! They already know what works and they’ve usually already been through the process of testing, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel and you certainly don’t want to be practicing what doesn’t work. Just like in golf, if you keep practicing a bad, improper swing, you ultimately end up with a well-practiced, bad, improper swing. You first have to learn the right action to take and then practice that on a daily basis until you get good at taking the right action. The best way to do that is to just copy what successful people are doing and do it over and over and over again.
  4. Action can be measured and as we’ve all heard before, anything that can be measured can be improved upon. So, as you continually take the right action, you get better. As you get better, your confidence goes up. As your confidence goes up your doubts, fears, and indecision become diminished because you are following a proven plan. Stay focused until successful and then it will be time to stretch yourself again by doing something that scares you!

You won’t want to miss the next video where I discuss more keys that have to be in place to overcome self-doubt, fear, and indecision. If you got value out of this video, please do me a favor and leave me a comment below and share on social media. It is greatly appreciated!

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