The Attraction Factor

One of the keys to success in business today, whether you are talking about network marketing, online marketing, or even real estate investing is attracting people to your business. Always remember, people buy into you before they buy into your business. So how do you attract people to you rather…

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VIDEO – Branding YOU

Branding YOU “Be the brand your customer can’t live without.” – John Dijulius   Whether you are in network marketing or online marketing, YOU are the product. People buy into YOU before they buy into a company, product, or service. Like it or not, all of us have a personal…

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VIDEO- Life-change Begins With Education

Over the next 30 days, I’m spending over $5,000 on my personal education… I will be attending the Social Media Marketing World Conference in San Diego, CA tomorrow, Brendon Burchard’s Experts Academy in San Jose, CA in April, and a private Mastermind event with Kyle Wilson and Chris Widener in…

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